Finance & Insurance

Illustration of a doctor explaining finances.

Health Insurance — No Referral Needed!

Doctors of chiropractic (DCs) are licensed physicians and you typically don’t need a referral to visit a DC. Nevertheless, before you make an appointment, it is a good idea to clearly understand your policy’s chiropractic benefits. The problem is that people often dread calling their insurance companies because of confusing phone trees and long hold times. Moreover, after all of that wait time, you don’t always get a whole/clear story about coverage.

Tip: Call our office and we will check your benefits. We probably deal with your insurance company on a regular basis and will know exactly who to call and what to ask. And then we can walk you through the benefit details.

Special Circumstances

What about coverage for Auto Accidents?

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If you or any occupants are hurt in an automobile accident there is most likely coverage for injuries sustained in the accident regardless of who was at fault. Services such as chiropractic adjustments, physiotherapy and massage/manual therapy are generally covered by auto insurance policies without deductibles or copays. We accept West Virginia, Ohio and Kentucky automobile claims and we offer complimentary transportation for victims of car accidents to and from appointments.

Tip: Call your automobile insurance company to open a personal injury (PIP) claim, and get the claim number and adjuster’s contact information. Then provide us with the claim number, insurance company and adjuster contact information and we can handle the rest of the details.

In the event that your automobile insurance does not have PIP coverage we will work with you, your health insurance, your attorney or the at fault party's insurance company as well so that you can get the care that you need with little to no out of pocket expense. If you do not have an attorney we will be happy to recommend one.

What about coverage for work-related injuries (Worker's Compensation)?

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We accept all West Virginia, Ohio and Kentucky worker's compensation claims and will help you fill out the first report of injury forms as well as any FMLA paperwork needed. Worker's Comp insurance provides 100% coverage for injured workers, if you have any questions please call our office for a free consultation.

Tip: File you worker's comp claim within 24 hours of the injury to avoid delays or possible denial. Print off the following form and bring it into our our office ASAP so that we can start your claim. It is best to notify your employer of the injury and gather witnesses. The first report of injury form is for you and Dr. Moore to fill out to start your claim.

Plans We Accept

Blue Cross/Blue Shield



United (UMR)


Medicare & Medicaid




Anthem Blue Cross/Blue Shield


And More!

Patients with No Insurance/Coverage

Time of Service Discount

Since chiropractic care isn’t always covered by insurance, coverage may be limited, or patients may struggle with high deductibles, many chiropractors offer discounts try to keep their services cost-effective and accessible (often referred to as time of service discounts). So don’t be afraid to ask about options, if chiropractic isn’t covered by your policy of if you need some extra help.

Tip: You can join some inexpensive private networks that will help you get a further discount on services, so be sure to ask your chiropractor if they participate in any discount programs. One example of this type of program is ChiroHealthUSA.

Payment Methods

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